Thursday, September 24, 2009

Max Paine Common Sense

According to Thomas Paine, there a distinct gap with qualities of society and those of the government. He belieivs both have different origin, socity being produced by the general wants of the people while government is an evil, intolerable but needed in order for protection He states a government is founded on tainteing of innocence, in other words implying all government is corrupt. The benign society would not need a government if the mind of humans were clear.
I disagree with Thomas in the origin of society and government. I believe as population in a certain area grows, a government developes and etches a true society from the metaphorical rock that is the population. In other words government developes stable society. I do agree with Thomas that had a true "good" society be established a law giver would not be needed but this is not the case. Society would have the same flaws he accuses the government as having so therefore one is the "bad cop" per say to produce stability which becomes known as the "good cop".

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